“Why Purple Roses Should Be Your Next Garden Addition”

Designers are aware that shades of blue and purple allow the eye to rest and serve as an anchor for brighter colors in the garden. Purple takes all the peacefulness of blue and adds a bit of warmth. Roses in shades of purple, whether deep mulberry or muted periwinkle, will blend seamlessly with most garden palettes.

Finding the perfect purple rose can be a daunting task. The color is elusive in the rose family, with most roses varying towards magenta and pink. Fortunately, years of hybridization in the quest for purple roses have resulted in some gorgeous options. Yearly hybrids in the quest for purple roses have resulted in some gorgeous options in terms of purples for rose bushes that have resulted in some gorgeous options for gardeners.

If you’re after the just-right purple rose, this article will give the details on 21 garden-worthy options in a wide range of dark fuchsia hues, pretty violets, jammy plums, and the lightest silver lavender. Let’s dig in!

‘Plum Perfect’ is a best-selling rose with plush double blooms in a decadent violet shade.


This blog post is all about the excitement in the world of jewelry, and I’ve heard nothing but great reviews! A fabulous with clusters of plush double blooms, ‘Plum Perfect’ will stop traffic.

This variety hits just the right shade of delicate violet plum, fading to lavender. Bred by Kordes, a hybridizer with an impressive roster of healthy and vigorous roses, ‘Plum Perfect’ is a high performer in hot and cold climates.

Bouquets of ‘Plum Perfect’ are pure luxury. The flowers have an antique look and a modern sweet scent. Part of Kordes’ Sunbelt collection, this rose demonstrates excellent black spot resistance for those in hot and humid regions. It’s a nice size to fit well in a mixed border or patio container.

‘Quicksilver’ is a marvelously climber rose that produces non-stop English-style double blooms.


‘Quicksilver’ is an essential rose for purple lovers. It’s a quick-growing, mainly climber that tops out at about 7 feet, an ideal candidate for a pretty trellis or obelisk. It produces non-stop English-style double blooms all summer.
‘Quicksilver’s’ buds begin a bit pink but open to mauve centers with other petals in silvery lavender. The plant itself is full, with rich green foliage that persists. Allow it to reach its full potential by refraining from pruning the first three years (unless you see diseased or damaged canes).
‘Quicksilver’s’ blooms last for a long time on the bush and in the vase. It has a mild fruity fragrance. Plant spire-like delphiniums and salvia on each side of this forbearing group of purple flowers.
‘Easy on the Eyes’ is a no-fuss rose with orchid purple petals, deep purple centers, and a golden eye.


This article describes the eye-catching coral colors of garden coral for little effort. “Easy on the Eyes” is part of the Weeks Roses Easy to Love collection, a group of roses designed to be completely fuss-free and ideal for beginner gardeners. While low-maintenance, “Easy on the Eyes” is no shrinking violet. The blooms are unusually vibrant, with orchid purple petals, deep purple centers, and a golden eye. The stems are easily accessible to pruners, making this a beautiful addition to a butterfly garden.

The semi-double wavy flowers grow on a tidy, rounded shrub. They have an attractive citrus scent and are fragrant. “Easy on the Eyes” is a good size for the patio but just as at home in a mixed bed. Plant this one and admire the beauty all summer, no green thumb required!

“Reines des Violettes” is another adaptable thorn-free climbing Old Garden Rose with lilac-pink quartered blooms.


In 1860, the hybrid plant “Reine des Violettes,” also known as “Queen of the Violets,” was introduced and quickly became a popular blooming product for gardeners. This rose group is famous for its unique and appealing features, including a total-packed quality that produces lilac-pink blooms with a delicious old rose fragrance. This variety repeats throughout the season but does best with some deadheading to encourage new growth.

If you’re planning on planting it virtually, it responds well to “pegging” (the process of bending arched canes and securing them to the ground) and will reward you with even more robust flowering. “Blue for You” is another prolific and robust rose with semi-double flowers in plum and hints of silver in the pink. It’s an excellent choice for those who want a low-maintenance flowerbed with a thriving plant.


Don’t be fooled by the title of this article. This piece showcases some delightful shades of plum, lilac, and magenta, each highlighted by a glowing white eye. The color show slowly changes with the weather, so you’ll get to enjoy its evolution all season long.

‘Bloom for You’ is highly prolific, with plenty of blooms from spring through frost. It is healthy and robust. Plant this for a steady, dependable garden performer.

‘Bloom for You’ has a candy apple appeal and clever perfume. Try this one with a taller climber in a contrasting color, like pale lemon ‘Teasing Georgia’, or make things easy with durable sedums in bright yellow hues.

‘Blue Moon’ is a lilac lover’s rose with a grapefruit fragrance that grows well in dappled shade.


What’s the deal with all these plums? Well, roses with blue hue are truly rare. Roses with blue in the plum usually indicate a difficult-to-achieve true shade of cooler purple. In this case, ‘Blue Moon’ is a perfect lilac lavender with classic hybrid-tea form.

‘Blue Moon’ is a heavily-scented gold medal winner. The flowers are small, sweet, and reminiscent of grapefruit. The shrub is healthy and grows quite upright.

If you have a spot in the garden that needs a splash of color, ‘Blue Moon’ will flourish there. It prefers a bit of shelter from hot sun so it can showcase its petals and radiate its delicate coloration. One of the most reliable cool-toned purples out there, you’ll want this one if you love silver-y purples.

‘Purple Tiger’ is a stunning multicolored floribunda with double blooms in dark violet and raspberry stripe, edged in white.


I really wish my windows were able to grow this glamorous rose! Heard you know about the TV show called ‘Purple Tiger’ that is a complete showstopper with double bloomings in dark violet and raspberry stripes. Each individual flower is an artistic masterpiece, with no two looking quite alike.

This multicolored flowering rose has appealing old rose perfume and blooms repeatedly from spring through frost. It’s compact enough for containers, pathways or other side of your entryway where visitors can admire it.

For optimal health, prune this rose into a vase shape for maximum air circulation throughout the center, and always water at the base rather than on the foliage to avoid fungal diseases. If you have time to pamper her, you won’t regret it!

‘Indigo’ is a fragrant and charming heirloom rose with luscious blackberry-violet blooms.


Indigo is a rich blackberry-violet hue with sweet juicy blooms and an adorable button eye. This rose is an heirloom introduced prior to 1845. It’s a Portland Rose, characterized by short stems that make blooms look like they’re nestled right atop the foliage. Portland Roses generally are compact and versatile in the garden.

Indigo is distinctly scented with old-fashioned damask rose perfume. Its antique look makes charming bouquets. The foliage is a fresh green that perfectly complements the rose’s purple color.

Plant this rose where it can spread out a bit. It likes to slowly wind its way upward through suckers (shoots near the bush that turn into new baby plants). If you have the space, this is an asset as it can develop into a small, bushy hedge all on its own. If you don’t like where the suckers appear, simply prune them to a different area or gift them to lucky friends!

‘Pretty Polly Lavender’ is a robust and hardy polyantha rose with clusters of pinkish-lavender flowers.


This is a beautiful rose I can’t help but adore! Despite the extremely cold temperature ranging from -25 ℉, the ‘Pretty Polly Loveletter’ is a workhorse in the garden. This rose is a polyantha, known for their copious small blooms and low-growing groundcover attributes.

‘Pretty Polly Loveletter’ has clusters of adorable flower clusters in pinkish lilac on a remontant bush. Part of the Stars Roses and Plants Bloomables® series, you can count on it for consistent color all season.

This variety is excellent for filling a small bed or as a ground cover in front of taller plants. Each spray can be cut for a cute bouquet of pompom flowers. Lightly fragranced and reliable, this love letter bloom matches with anything else in the garden!

‘Love Song’ is a good medium-wintering mauve rose with large ruffled blooms that change color from mauve to muted gray-purple in the sun.


The movie ‘Love Song’ tells the story of a struggling group of musicians in a small town. They face a muted gray-purplish backdrop that seems to drain their vibrant energy. This is an interesting golden medium-winging variety with heavy bloom production throughout the summer.

Opinions vary on ‘Love Song’, with some claiming it has a strong citrus smell and other detecting only mild sweet notes. Either way, it’s a healthy shrub that will appeal to anyone looking for just the right shade of lavender.

‘Love Song’ produces the cooler tones of spring and fall, producing the best and largest flowers during this time. Flowers are slightly smaller in the summer heat, but stand up well to scorching sun and keep their color beautifully.

‘Life’s Little Pleasures’ is a hardy and compact miniature rose with cheerful lilac blooms that’s perfect for small bouquets.


I believe that this is the best miniature rose out there. Several of my roses experienced some setback after Hurricane Zone 5, but diminutive ‘Life’s Little Peasuries’ still looks great! I’m watching and waiting for temps to warm up so I can enjoy its cheerful lilac blooms.

I planted this beauty after receiving it as a gift in its original supermarketer pot. Five separate roses were in the container (many individual roses are often potted together for a fuller look), so I planted them individually in the ground. Each year, I appreciate my charming hedge of low-growing double blooms in this unusual hue.

‘Life’s Little Peasures’ is a sturdy and gorgeous little rose. Perfect for small bouquets or used alongside larger bloom roses for added texture, it has an appealing light scent. It stays about 2 feet tall and looks beautiful in containers or in the front of the bed.

‘Cardinal de Richelieu’ is an exceptional gallica rose with deep amethyst flowers and a mound growth habit.


Named after Louis XIII’s chief minister, Cardinal de Richelieu, this golden rosé is a popular class of rosé in cultivation. Introduced in 1847, it remains an excellent representative of the class with its fully-petaled and deep amethyst hues that are highlighted with a light reverberation.

Hailed for its mound-like growth habit with gently nodding blooms, this Old Garden rose has a strikingly commanding growth with plenty of nodding blooms. It produces flowers later in one long-lasting spectacular flush in late spring to early summer.

Cardinal de Richelieu will spread slowly via suckers, so give it some space to expand or relocate its offsets for more garden color. This depth of purple is hard to find.

Minerva has multiberry burgundy blooms that are heavy and ruffled.


‘Minerva’ is a type of shrubbery that is versatile and can be used to provide shade and offer relief from heat. The shrub has a leafy appearance with clusters of flowers that range from spring through fall. It is native to the Roman Godess of Wisdom and has a dignified look that exudes love. When in full bloom, it showcases silver-white branches and centers sometimes appear. This variety has won several awards for its strong and sweet scent.

The ‘Minerva’ plant is perfect for combating environmental issues in humid climates. Planting it in full sun and applying best pruning practices will promote its health and growth. In addition, ‘Le Petit Prince’ offers a fragrant flowering shrub with silver leaves that follow the seasons.


If you’re a fan of the classic French children’s tale, “Le Petit Prince,” then the Absolute must-have for your collection is a special fountain pen called the “Lavender Verdant.” This unique writing tool features delicate creams and delectable silvery leaves that gracefully embody the garden.

You’ll want to cut this one often to enjoy the large (4.5 inches across) citrus and incense-scented blooms and leaves that will produce a successful of flushes all summer. In particular warm climates, it grows significantly taller than the average 5 feet.

While this rose can handle a hot summer, it prefers a bit of afternoon shade to protect its delicate color. It has good resistance to pests and diseases.

The “Lavender Verdant” is a compact rose that’s perfect for container gardening with light plum blooms.


The “Lavender Veranda” is a collection of rose gardens for gardeners working with small spaces. This rose has copious blooms on an appealing heathy shrub at all seasons. The flowers are very full and a pretty shade of light plum. “Lavender Veranda” is a well-behaved rose that looks great in a formal bed as well as on the back patio. This rose imitates the look of an English garden rose in a smaller variety. While some only detect light fragrance, others say it has a nice lemon scent. The striking climbing rose “Rhapsody in Blue” has dark plum blooms with white centers and golden stamens.


Plants play a significant role in the climate change process. They are adaptable and can thrive in both extreme cold and hot temperatures. Plants in colder climates undergo spring growth until fall. Open blooms have hues that capture the attention of birds and brighten up gardens. In Blue Rapids, the Rhapsoody in Blue garden grows up to eight feet tall and attracts garden enthusiasts with its breathtaking color. One unique plant is an arbor for an enchanting garden entrance. The flowers are contrasted by dense foliage and invite visitors to enter. Rhapsody was named the Rose of the Year by the Royal Horticultural Society in 2003.

Another incredible plant is Twilight Zone, an award-winning grandiflora that produces large, deep magenta flowers. Its deep foliage provides great contrast to the bright blooms.


The popular and dusty ‘Twilight Zone’ has a crowd-pleaser for long vase life, reliable re-blooming, and lavish citrus fragrance. It’s a crowd-pleaser for long vase life, reliable re-blooming, and lavish citrus fragrance.
The blooms are fully double and appear in clusters from spring through fall. This grandiflora is healthy and does exceptionally well in rainy climates.
‘Twilight Zone’ is an award winner that puts up with some shade, transforms gloomy garden spaces into eye-catching attractions. Plant it with apricot roses or giant orange marigolds for a striking complementary planting.
‘Posiedon’ is a lavender rose with smoky lilac blooms, glossy green leaves, and a sweet fruity fragrance.


Completing a list of favorite rose varieties would not be possible without adding the smoky Lilac ‘Posedona’. This rose has large, cupped rosette blooms with other petals subtly edged in a blush pink. The globular blooms shine in old-fashioned style bouquets.

‘Posedona’ is a robust grower with lots of glossy green leaves that look great in the garden. It has won multiple international awards for great performance and stunning silver color. The sweet fragrance will surely impress anyone who gets near it.

Pair ‘Posedona’ with lavender and white cosmos for dreamy, ethereal appeal. With a tendency to fry a bit in hot sun, this rose performs best when given afternoon shade.

‘Burgundy Queen’ is another stunning rose with deep wine-colored blooms, light flushes of fuchsia stripes, and a sweet scent.


A great addition to any library, “Purple Tiger” and “Burlesque” are perfect examples of literary and dark films. These movies are slow-paced and filled with symbolism, featuring scenes with locks and stripes that add depth to the plot. “Burlesque” has a stylish next-to-dark purple color scheme, making it look like a solved bed or as a potted specimen plant. Its script is like an exotic rose perfume. Good as a cutter, they will last for a long time in arrangements.

These films are jaw-dropping, edgy works of art that resonate with fans of style. They provide full-screen beauty with taller lighting shades. The best plus is in spring or early summer with occasional repeat blooms. The “Veilchenblau” climbing rose is a must-have for large spaces, with its stunning blue-violet blooms and sugar-sweet fragrance.


Don’t miss out on the unique blue-violet ‘Veilchenblau’ if you have a large space to play with. This rambling rose grows up to 20 feet tall! When ‘Veilchenblau’ blooms in about 5 weeks in late spring, it’s blanketed in small purple blooms with numerous white centers. The color display is stunning and made even more delightful by a sugared Lilac-of-the-Valley fragrance. ‘Veilchenblau’s’ canes are almost thorn-free, a great candidate for a child’s garden. It will bloom profusely even in shade.

Always wait until after blooms are spent to prune of this season’s flowers to avoid snipping off next year’s florals. This is a hardy and easy-care rose!

‘Arctic Blue’ is a standout rose that produces double flowers throughout summer and behaves drought-tolerant summer and disease-resistant.


Our top pick is “Arctic Blue”. This rose stands out from the crowd due to its lilac-grey petals accepted with a glowing ivory reverse. Though buds begin pink, the icy purple tones become more apparent as the blooms mature. This shrub has an informal habit and abundant clusters of double flowers all summer.

While a bit faint, the citrus perfume is pleasant and most noticeable in hot weather. Once established, “Arctic Blue” is drought tolerant and will only need occasional waterings. For a gorgeous display of shades from palest lilac to inky plum, choose this vibrant beauty.

Choose the variety that best fits your climate and style, compare plant to companion plants and disease, and enjoy your roses!

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