Time-lapse of Zinnia Flower Growth from Seed in 75 Days

If you’re looking to add some color to your garden, zinnias are an excellent choice. These beautiful flowers come in a wide range of colors and are relatively easy to grow from seed. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to grow zinnia flowers from seed over a period of 75 days through a time-lapse video.

The video shows the growth of zinnia seeds from the California Giants variety, which grows quite tall at around 40 inches before producing flowers. The seeds were grown indoors with the help of plant grow lights. However, you can easily grow zinnias from seed at home in containers or pots.

To begin, you’ll need to gather your supplies. You’ll need a packet of zinnia seeds, a growing medium, containers or pots, and plant grow lights if you’re growing them indoors. Zinnias prefer well-draining soil, so be sure to choose a potting mix that allows for proper drainage.

Once you have your supplies, it’s time to get started. Fill your containers with the growing medium, leaving about an inch or two of space at the top. Place a few zinnia seeds on top of the soil, spacing them out evenly. Then, cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil and water gently.

Place your containers in an area that receives plenty of sunlight or under plant grow lights if growing indoors. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, and within a few days, you should see the first sprouts emerge.

As the plants grow, make sure to thin them out, leaving only the strongest seedlings in each container. Once the plants reach about six inches in height, you can transplant them into larger containers or directly into your garden.
Over the course of 75 days, you’ll see the zinnia plants grow taller and produce beautiful pink flowers. Zinnias are relatively low maintenance and don’t require much fertilizer or pest control. Simply water them when the soil feels dry and deadhead spent flowers to encourage more blooms.
In conclusion, growing zinnias from seed is a simple and rewarding process. They’re a great option for adding color to your garden or brightening up your home with a beautiful bouquet. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting, zinnias are an excellent choice for any level of expertise.

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